Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 161 -- Extreme Weight Loss

Since I've been focused on improving my eating habits, I seemed to be fixated on these weight loss reality shows.  I started with "The Biggest Loser" and have now moved on to "Extreme Weight Loss".  And I have to say, this show is really EXTREME.

On tonight's episode, they featured a 24-year old who weighed 315 pounds.  In the first 90 days she was tasked with losing 90 pounds.  Ninety-freakin'- pounds in 90 days!  In a year, she wanted to lose 160 pounds and she actually achieved that goal, which I could believe, considering the amount of exercise she was doing.  But even with all the exercise, her weight loss rate dropped radically as she approached 200 pounds.

Which brings me to my situation, which is somewhat the same.  I started off like gangbusters and now I've come to the point where things have started to slow down.  I don't have three pound losses in a week any more.  I'm lucky to get two pounds in a week.  So I'm afraid I'm going to have to add some exercise to the mix to see if I can jump start the program.  Either that, or try a fast and see how that goes.

 I suspect that my original one year goal weight is probably overly optimistic.  It required me to lose an average of about 12 pounds per month.  I'm at that average right now after 5 months, but that average will be harder to maintain as I go forward.  Strangely enough, I'm not really concerned since no matter what, I'm eating really healthy and feeling good.  So if it takes two years to get where I want to be, then I'm okay with that.  Although there may have to be a few "cheese cheats" along the way.

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