Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 203 -- Detox Drinks -- Do They Work?

I've seen so many different recipes for detox drinks that include some combination of lemon and/or cayenne pepper and/or vinegar and they never seemed to appeal to me.  My friend, E, posted a link for this recipe for Skinny Body Fat Flush and Detox on Facebook today and I've decided I'm going to give it a try.  It seems simple enough and I have a ton of mint growing in my little herb garden that I need to use!  It could be quite refreshing and if it flushes fat I'm all for that!  Just so you know, I don't hold out a lot of hope that this will help, but I'm willing to give it a try!

 Skinny Body Fat Flush and Detox
1 cucumber
1 lemon
2 limes
1 bunch of mint

Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz water bottles and fill them up with filtered water.

I'm going to put this in a large gallon pitcher instead of 4 water bottles and just pour myself a big old glass full every day.  And I'll report back soon and let you know how it works.

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