I'm quickly approaching my birthday and I was hoping to reach a major milestone in my weight loss goal by that date. It doesn't look like I'm going to make it because I've been vacationing on the diet plateau. I don't use the term vacationing lightly because, beyond eating healthy, I haven't done much to shed pounds. I haven't added an exercise plan to my routine, which would probably be of great help.
The diet plateau is so common that NPR even did an article about it. Called, How To Find A Path Off The Dreaded Diet Plateau, the article lays out the reasons why, despite our best efforts, we sometimes get stuck at a weight.
I think back to the weeks, early on in this vegan adventure, when I was losing five pounds in a week. Now, I lose a pound a week. Although that's still good, it's not getting me to my weight loss goal as fast as I want to. I hoped to be down to my goal weight by Christmas and I'm halfway there now! I've been eating vegan for thirty-one weeks and my average weight loss per week has been 2.3 pounds. Which means I've lost a total of 72 pounds! Not bad for seven months work!
But it is time to jump start this program! Eat more greens, get more exercise, drink more water! Hopefully by the end of August, I can say that I've jumped off the plateau and I'm back on the road again.
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