Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 66 -- Choosing My Battles

Since I've started eating healthier, I've also begun to pay attention to nutritional advice, supposedly from the experts.  But the more I read, the more confused I become.  Some doctors say fat is the devil.  Other's say sugar must be avoided at all costs.  And then others point the finger at salt as the cause of all our health troubles. Dairy takes a few hits along the way, too.  Add to that processed foods and pesticides on produce and BPA in food packaging and genetically modified fruits and veggies and growth hormones in meat and dairy and its a wonder there's anything left to eat!

I feel that, even though I'm trying hard to eat healthy, I'm still making so many compromises.  I can't afford to buy organic produce.  Organic red peppers are $4.99 a pound.  Non-organic are $2.49 a pound.  When I see charts like the one below, I get so frustrated.  How much further do I have to go to make sure I'm eathing healthy?


I guess I have to choose my battles.  Right now, I'm at war with fat.  Once I've won that war, I can step into battle against sugar and salt.  And after that, maybe I can start to focus on eating organic.  I have plenty of places to buy organic fruits and veggies.  And I already buy organic grains and legumes and canned goods when I can.  And I haven't even begun to address adding exercise to my daily routine.  Perhaps after 365 days of eating vegan, I'll have to do 365 days of eating organic -- or 365 days of getting fit.  For now, I'm going to stay on track and not worry about anything else -- for now.

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