Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 90 -- A Fermentation Education

Everyone is talking about probiotics.  A commercial just informed me that 70% of a body's immune system is centered in the "gut".  Another article claims that the gut produces more serotonin than the brain does.  In order for the GI system to function properly, it needs the right balance of bacteria.  But with the use of anti-biotics, chlorinated water and everything else in our life determined to kill germs, we can't always maintain that balance.  That's why we should be using probiotics,  to make our gut healthier.

You can  either take probiotic capsules (which contain freeze-dried bacteria) or you can eat fermented foods which contain beneficial bacteria.  Many foods used to be fermented -- pickles, wine, sour cream, catsup.  But these days, all of those products are treated after fermentation (pastuerized) in order to kill the beneficial bacteria in them.  The best way to get probiotics is through naturally fermented foods.

Of course, there's the other side, "experts" who claim that fermented foods are bad for you, they contain too much salt, the by-products of fermentation are harmful, fermented foods aren' t as nutritious as fresh.  They believe that probiotics are just the next diet fad.  They believe that there are only a few reasons to replenish the bacteria in your digestive systems:  a course of anti-biotics, a severe stomach flu, or an intestinal disease like Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.  It seems that fermented food is almost as controversial as a vegan diet.

Until recently, I thought the only source of probiotics was Activia yogurt.  But after reading some vegan and vegetarian blogs, I noticed that many people believe in the power of probiotics or fermented food.  Since I already like a lot of the food on this list, I think I'll continue eating them while I learn more about probiotics.

Deli pickles and pickled veggies naturally fermented (no vinegar)
Fermented bean paste such as tempeh, miso and doenjang
Pao cai (Chinese pickled cabbage)
Soy sauce
Zha cai (Sichuan pickled mustard plant)
Artisan olives (olive bar, not canned/jarred olives)
Sourdough bread

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