Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 74 -- Going Green

Why is this plaguing me so?  It's not that difficult to eat greens.  But I always seem to have trouble folding them into my diet.  Today, I had greens for the first time in at least a couple weeks.  And I've noticed that when I eat greens, the weight seems to melt off, so why isn't that a good enough reason to include them in my daily diet?  Here are my top five reasons, in no particular order.

1)  Greens don't taste good alone.  They need to be mixed with other ingredients.
2)  They get slimy in soups and hot dishes, unlike most other veggies which hold up well in cooked dishes.
3)  They don't have a taste that really appeals to me -- except for arugula, which I love.
4)  They don't last very long in the fridge, so I usually have a decomposing selection to choose from when I finally do get around to putting them in a dish.
5)  I only really like to eat them on sandwiches and you can't stuff a full serving on greens on a single sandwich.  And I don't eat a lot of sandwiches.

I'm just making excuses and my goal for this next week is to eat at least a handful of greens every day.  To mix them into my grain salads and to put them on sandwiches.  To remind myself why they're so good for me and how helpful they are in shedding weight.  So this is my Sunday resolution.  On Day 81, I hope to report that I'm doing better in this regard.

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