Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 106 -- I Ate A Pear

There are moments on this vegan journey when I have to stop and appreciate the wonder that is food.  Not food stuffs, but real food.  Whole foods.  Fruit and vegetables.

Today, I ate an absolutely perfect pear.  It was a Bartlett pear, picked out of the bin at the grocery store because it was pale yellow with a rosy tinge on one side, its skin unblemished, its scent sweet and subtle.  Why am I rhapsodizing about a pear?  Because I can!

Until I began eating vegan, I never really appreciated the vast variety of tastes available in the fruit and vegetable kingdom.  Fruits and vegetables were just things I was supposed to eat because they made me grow up big and strong.  But they never held a candle to Snickers Bars and strawberry malts.  Why couldn't those things make me big and strong?

I wish I could have come to appreciate fruits and vegetables a little sooner.  Biting into that pear was like taking the first taste of an extraordinary dessert.  And then there's the wonderful sweet crunch of a red pepper or the earthy taste of Crimini mushrooms.  And the sugary bite of a Vidalia onion.  All these wonderful taste experiences from whole foods that I once looked at with disdain.

There may come a day when I reach for a pear or a tomato without thinking about how good they are for me.  Maybe some day, I'll eat them because, to me, they taste better than a Snickers bar.

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