After my mini-rant about tofu yesterday, I decided to do a little more research into meat alternatives. I happened upon this article on Meat Alternatives Explained: Tofu, Tempeh and Seitan. This is what I was looking for. Meat Alternatives For Dummies!
I've never eaten tempeh or seitan and I'm not even sure where to find it in the grocery store (it's not next to the tofu, I can tell you that). But after reading the descriptions, I'm really thinking I might enjoy either tempeh or seitan alot more than I "enjoy" tofu. Which I don't really enjoy at all.
The author describes tofu as spongy, wet and smooth. I'd add slimy and bland. But it does pack 10 grams of protein in 1/2 cup with only 80 calories and 5 grams of fat. Tempeh is twice as many calories, twice as much fat with a protien count of 15 grams. And then there's seitan. Three times the calorie count as tofu, but lower in fat grams. And 36, yes!, 36 grams of protein in a half cup.
Tofu is made by curdling hot soy milk and adding a coagulant. It's kind of like cottage cheese, I think. And though I love cottage cheese, I just can feel the love for tofu. Tempeh is made from fermented cooked soybeans and has a firm, chewy texture. And then there's seitan, which is made from wheat (surprise, surprise!). It's made by taking wheat dough and washing the starch out of it which leaves an elastic blob which is then cooked. And sometimes it comes marinated or flavored already. Sounds yummy. But it has to be better than tofu. Anything is better than tofu. Or almost anything.
So, now I'm going to have to go search out tempeh and seitan and see what all the talk is about. I think I like the sound of seitan. Not soy. Chewy. Maybe marinated. I could definitely eat that.
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