Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 122 -- Another Milestone In A Year-Long Journey

Four months ago, on December 27, 2012, I decided to make a major change in my life.  Now, here I am, on Day 122, a third of the way through the year.  I'm over a third of the way toward my weight loss goal, but I expect that as I get closer to my goal weight, things will slow down.  Though I'm tracking my weight loss, this still doesn't seem like a diet to me.  I'm eating all the time and there's no deprivation.  And I still love veggies!  Let me show a little veggie love before I go on.

In looking back at my first four months as a vegan, I think I did pretty well.  I ate meat once -- pepperoni on a slice of pizza a week ago.  I have eaten tiny amounts of extraneous cheese a few times (picked out of a salad and stuck to some guacamole) and enjoyed a few treats that contained eggs and butter.  And I can't seem to visit my favorite restaurant without indulging in the ranch dressing dip with the tortilla chips.  So, I will proudly declare that I'm mostly vegan.  About 98% vegan.

Of course, the vegan police will beg to differ.  If anything other than veggies pass my lips, then I'm not a vegan.  But every now and then, I meow like a cat. Does that mean I'm not 100% human?  So, I'm going to continue to eat vegan, even though I might not be considered a vegan.  One thing is very true -- I'm so much healthier than I was four months ago.  I feel good!  And I'm looking forward to the next four months.

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