Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 30 - For Want Of A Dishwasher

Over the past month, I've had a chance to reflect on how and why my diet (and health) got so out of control.  There are many different reasons.  Stress was a major factor.  Depression probably played a part.  But those were symptoms and looking further back, I've been trying to pinpoint the causes.  Crazy as it seems, a broken dishwasher was one of those causes.

About three or four years ago, my dishwasher broke.  Because of some tight financial circumstances, I never had the money to replace it.  I hate-hate-hate doing dishes (I cannot state this more strongly) and will avoid doing them at all costs.  Dishes would pile up and I'd spend a day washing through them, but they never seemed to end.  I never had a completely clean kitchen.  There were always dishes in the sink or on the counter.

I hated going into the kitchen because it only reminded me that I needed to do the damn dishes.  I avoided cooking for myself because I would only be adding to the pile of undone dishes.  So I bought take-out or deli or I went to my favorite family restaurant and sat in a booth on my own and had dinner.  All to avoid doing dishes!

In the weeks before Christmas, I had a little extra money and decided that I'd done with a dishwasher for long enough.  A friend had given me an old one from her kitchen and when I brought someone in to install it, he refused, saying that the seals would probably be cracked and it would leak after so long sitting outside and in my garage.  So I told him I wanted something basic and a few weeks later, it was installed and ready to go.

Without the burden of dirty dishes, I'm free to cook to my heart's content.  I don't have a half-hour of dishes to do after an evening of cooking.  Dishes no longer pile up and I don't feel guilty or want to avoid walking into the kitchen.  It's a silly, silly thing.  I could have scraped together the money for a dishwasher when it broke, but I it put it off.  The same way I put off getting healthy.

I'm sure I'll discover some other interesting insights along the way.  But I have to remember not to put anything off for a later date.  Take care of things today and they won't spiral out of control tomorrow, or next month, or next year.  That's goes for both dishwashers and pounds put on.

It's a hard lesson to learn, but I think about it every time I load my new dishwasher.

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