Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 13 -- Getting Rid of BPA

In my effort to live a more healthy life, I decided to re-evaluate my kitchen and do away with anything that might be bad for me.  I started with the food, throwing away things that were in my refrigerator for years.  After that, I tackled a pile of mismatched plastic storage containers that I had stuffed in a cabinet.

I recently began reading about the effects of BPA (Bisphenol A).  I won’t go into all the details here.  You can Google it and make your own judgments.  But what I read convinced me that I should at least make an effort to get rid of as much BPA in my life as I could.  Especially since it is suspected to cause breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes and problems with brain function.  It makes sense.  Plastic is made of petro-chemicals.  We store our food and drinks in plastic.  It’s not surprising that some of those chemicals might leech into that food and drink.

I’m going to try to make an effort to store everything in either glass or BPA-free plastic.  I’m going to avoid as many products as I can that are packaged in BPA-infused cans or plastic bottles.  It’s going to be impossible to get all the BPA out of my life, but it was really fun to throw out all those mismatched containers and buy all new.  I also bought new pitchers and new takeaway water bottles and glasses.

Of course there are many other sources of BPA, but a small step in the right direction is better than no step at all.

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