Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 226 -- The Next Not-So-Super Food?

I was watching a new reality show the other night -- I think it's called Supermarket Superstar?  Three people come on the show and try to pitch and sell a new grocery item.  One guy came on and pitched a cricket -- yes, the insect -- power bar.  Apparently, crickets are very high in protein and can be a sustainable food source.

Insects are eaten in many places of the world.  Crickets and grubs seem to be the most popular, but people also eat scorpions and grasshoppers and even spiders!  Thiis wasn't news to me because I'd seen a news item on group that was trying to market crickets as a food source to Americans.  They're easy to raise (all they eat is raw potatoes).  They believed it was possible to convince Americans to eat crickets and were using sushi as the model.  About thirty years ago, Americans turned up their noses at raw fish and now it's one of the most popular cuisines in the country.

Strangely, my reaction to eating ground (finely, I might add) crickets was not what I thought it would be.  I was actually quite interested in knowing how much protein they offered in relation to fat.  As a vegan, protein is always a concern and if it's possible to find a good source of protein, I'm always interested.  Of course, crickets aren't vegan, but that didn't stop me from  checking them out.  I guess they're supposed to have a nutty taste.  At least they don't taste like chicken!

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