Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 52 -- Let Me Eat Cake!

On Day 22, I made myself my first vegan "treat" -- molasses cookies.  Since then, I've enjoyed them with my almost nightly Chai soy latte.  But after 50 days, I decided I deserved a bigger treat.  I'd had this little cake before and I remembered it as being really tasty.  But it had been made with white flour and dairy milk, so as any good vegan would do, I substituted whole wheat flour and soy milk.  Cake can be tricky for vegan without eggs and oil, but this is a soft, moist cake that Dean Ornish called a pudding.  The sugar makes it a little bit sweet, but that's balanced by the sour of the cherries.

Sour Cherry Pudding (Cake)
From Dean Ornish’s “Everyday Cooking With Dr. Dean Ornish”

1 cup whole wheat flour
½ cup sugar
2 t. baking powder
½ t. salt
2/3 cup soy or almond milk
1 15 oz. can of sour pie cherries, packed in juice or water, drained

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In medium bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  Stir to combine.  Add milk and stir just until blended.  Pur half the cherries into a 9-inch cake pan, either non-stick or sprayed lightly with non-stick spray.  Spread all the batter over the berries to cover completely.  Scatter remaining cherries over the top of the batter.  Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes.  Serve warm or cool.

1//8 of cake is 150 calories.  Can also make it with peaches or any other fruit.

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