Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 190 -- Another New Taste -- Galia Melon

Everyone loves melon!  I was watching this video on YouTube and was reminded that I haven't tried a new melon variety in a while so on a trip to the grocery store, I picked up a Galia melon.  One of the young clerks in produce was giving away samples of several different varieties of melon and this one tasted the best, so I decided to buy one!

Here's the kitty video, for your viewing pleasure.

Now, back to my Galia melon.  This melon was developed in Israel by noted melon breeder Dr. Zvi Karchi. He named the melon after his daughter and it's a cross between the Ha-Ogen and Krimka melon. We really are melon deprived here in the U.S.  We have honeydew, watermelon, muskmelon and cantaloupe and that's about it.  But there's a whole world of melons out there that we need to start eating.  So when I see something new, like a Juan Canary or a Galia, I'm going to try it!

ETA:  This was a very juicy and subtly flavored melon with a hint of pear in the pale yellow flesh.  The flesh is a bit soft so it's probably better not to let it get too ripe or it could be mushy.  I fed some to my cat and she loved it!

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