Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 209 -- A Battle With A Craving

Yesterday I had an overwhelming craving to eat seafood.  I very rarely have cravings, but when I do, I tend to listen to my body.  Something was telling me that I needed a shot of animal protein and nothing I could make on the vegan end of the spectrum would satisfy my hunger.

So, I stopped at my favorite restaurant and instead of choosing the portabello mushroom fajitas, I had the shrimp fajitas.  I'm not sure why I get these cravings and they come so infrequently that I don't worry too much about feeding them.  Maybe it's physiological or maybe just psychological.  But it was a good meal and the first time I've had meat in about six weeks (since my cheeseburger cheat in June).  That seems to be a bit of a pattern for me.  Every six to eight weeks, I eat meat.

Oh, well, today was back to veggies.  And some reading about the Paleo diet, which I may discuss further.  I don't have any intention of going on the diet, but in reading about it, I'm finding that the Paleos are as outspoken as vegans and vegetarians about their diet choice.  More on that later.

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