Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 177 -- One Benefit Of Being A Vegan

Though I claim not to be an ethical vegan, I must say that I do feel good when I see this graphic (courtesy of PETA).  Yes, I do have my struggles with cheese and I know that corporate dairies are awful places, but if I go back to eating cheese, I'm going to do my best to buy locally from cheese factories that get their milk from small, independent farmers.  I live in farm country and I see herds of dairy cattle lazily grazing in fields and I can't help but think they're pretty happy.

Maybe I would make a better vegetarian than a vegan.  I'm not quite sure yet as my cheese-cheats seem to be something I struggle with on a weekly, and sometimes daily, basis.  I do know that eating cheese seems to be pretty much limited to my consumption of pizza and I just can't imagine living life without the occasional pizza.

I must say that since I've started eating vegan, I've been much more aware of my consumption and/or use of other things besides meat and dairy.  I've been trying not to waste water.  And I'm going to try to start walking more often, rather than hopping in the car to drive a half mile.

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